August 26, 2010

Student Loans paid off...

After many sleepless nights and fruitless arguments, Janelle and I finally reached the conclusion that accepting some subsidized student loans might be a wise choice as a financial safety net. Better to take debt on our own terms than to be forced into it when the bills pile up and necessity dictates digging deep into the federal pandora's piggy-bank. "After all," I beguiled Janelle,"We can just put it in savings and if we never need it then we will have made money on the interest." Little did we suspect just how soon those Staffords would yield the form of All Wheel Drive and 210 watt sound system! Hee-Ya!
No offense to grandma's gold taurus. I mean, without that sweet ride I never would've dated Janelle in the first place because I couldn't have given her a ride home (I guess I could've given her a pump on my bike...but that likely would have left an entirely different impression). I think the moment she fell in love was when I not-so-adroitly attempted to 'police-slide' across the hood and permanently stamped it with a gluteal impression, but I digress. The point is: this 2005 Mitsubishi Outlander, a acquisition, is the bee's knees. Enter sweet panoramic shot. Fin.

August 03, 2010

Happy 4th!...well 5th

This year for the 4th of July (which was really the 5th) it was just me and Spencer. We both worked late that night but we did have enough time to buy a couple of cheap fire works and light them off together. We went over to an unfinished area in our town home complex and celebrated. My favorites are the spinning flowers I think. It was fun just the two of us! Love you Spence :) Happy 4th!